Standby for the return of the MT200 Flex-Verticutter & MT210 VibeSpike-Aerator
The MT200 Flex-Verticutter & MT210 VibeSpike-Aerator both with three heads will be displayed at Saltex on Nov 2 & 3.
The Flex Verticutter has three independent floating heads. Even on the most challenging of fairway undulations they are falter-free thanks to a turn-able ‘A’ frame and pivot point. Each head measures just over 63 cm giving a 1.9 m total reach working to depths of around 25 mm. The trio attach to tractors 25 hp and up.
The Vibe Spike aerator heads are driven by vibrations from a central double V belt. They drill their 3 mm diameter tines down and making around 320 neatly spiked holes per m². Depth adjustment is tool-free offering a range from 20 mm to 55 mm. An adjustable support front roller and a solid rear roller make for a neater job.