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Exhibitor Spotlight


25 Aug 2022



Prodata Weather Systems is a specialist supplier of weather stations & creator of the Davis knowledgebase used as an authoritative support resource worldwide. Prodata offers genuine expertise, highly competitive pricing and a commitment to the best possible service.

Visit Prodata Weather Systems during SALTEX at Stand C097.

Here we speak to Mark Hunt, Weather Analytics at Prodata Weather Systems about exhibiting at SALTEX 2022 and what makes it such a special event.

What don't most people realise about the company?

That Prodata is a key supplier of Davis weather stations and has been established for over 25 years. The company also supplies Davis EnviroMonitor nodes and soil, leaf, light and moisture sensors to the amenity market in the U.K. It is also the first to develop a specific software package for turf managers specifically utilising Davis weather station data.


What are your best-selling products and why are they so popular?

Davis Vantage Pro2 Groweather weather station is the most popular. It is reliable, easy to install/maintain and provides comprehensive data to the turf manager allowing him/her to make key data-driven decisions. Access to historical data is also key for year on year comparisons.


How has the industry changed/evolved?

Nowadays turf management decisions are increasingly more data driven and undoubtedly there is a greater emphasis on future-proofing facilities in the wake of economic and climatic challenges.


What are the biggest factors affecting the industry today?

The turf management industry is having to react to an ever more diverse climate (I hesitate to use the word extreme as it is over-used), a loss of effective control products, product inflation/availability issues, a staffing crisis and increasing customer expectation driven by social media.


What are you looking forward to at SALTEX this year?

Catching up with old customers and meeting new ones. In addition, I’m keen to assess the reaction to our new software.


What can we expect from you at SALTEX?

A focussed team keen to provide information and answer questions technical queries on our product range.


What products are you bringing to SALTEX – are there any launches happening?

A range of Davis weather stations, EnviroMonitor nodes (that act as satellite stations) and a full sensor array that can be utilised with the weather stations in the field. We will also be launching our new Turf Management/Agronomy software package.


Is sustainability an issue for you and if so, what are you doing to address these requirements?

Sustainability is an issue for everyone or it should be anyway. Using a Davis weather station to help make turf management decisions if done properly should result in less pesticide usage, less leaching of nutrients to the environment and less water usage.


How would you describe SALTEX in 20 words?

It is a well organised show in a good venue and one I am looking forward to.

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